Katie Mullaney
You deserve inner peace
Let’s walk this journey together
A new you is not only possible – It’s probable! You already know that underneath the overwhelming emotions lies a state of being you desire to live each day. Create space for more peace and joy in your life by releasing old belief systems that no longer align with who you are today. Transform the lens in which you see and experience the world around you.
The problem is, life can be a constant bombardment of challenges, and it can feel overwhelming knowing where to begin. I get it.
I understand, living with anxiety, depression, and constant triggers takes a major toll on your mind, body, spirit. Your life goals, your relationships, and even your work suffer. I dedicate my practice to support and empower individuals just like you to feel more in control of your emotions and enjoy living life again. You are worth the time and space it takes to heal. I can help.
Let's begin with a free consultation phone call. After that, there is no obligation. We’ll take it one small step at a time.
The inherent ability to heal resides within you.
The key lies in connecting with the ​innate wisdom of your ​body.
Emotions are ​energy, flowing through the body.
Sometimes life experiences can overwhelm the body with intense sensations i.e. big emotions. This can be one time or recurring events. As a natural response, the body and mind want to store away the big sensations in order to allow you to continue to function in life. However, when this stored energy is left unaddressed and unexpressed, it creates disharmony in your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
What you chose to believe about yourself can determine the way you manage your energy.
"I am not good enough", "I am responsible for other's emotions", "I am not valued", "I am not worthy"...
These belief systems are layers deep underneath big emotional responses. Shedding negative belief systems which no longer align with who you are today not only impacts how you experience the world around you presently, but when integrated with past experiences will release you from suffering.
Together, we create a safe and nurturing space for these experiences, emotions and beliefs to be seen and transformed, allowing you to live the life you desire and deserve, free from suffering and pain.